WHOI 'Our Living Ocean' at The Osterville Village Library

Osterville Village Library

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will be at the Osterville Village Library presenting an exciting lecture 'The Living Ocean'.

The ocean is a vast and challenging place to work, but knowledge about the ocean is crucial to life on a changing planet.

WHOI scientists and engineers travel the globe from land and the coasts to the deepest depths to tackle questions ranging from climate change to oil spills to ocean acidification.

If there is no tool to do what needs to be done, they invent one; if there is no experimental method, they devise it. Because now more than ever, the ocean matters to us all.

This exciting program will take place on Friday November 1st at 1pm in the Main Meeting Room at the Osterville Village Library. For more information or to register for this event, please contact Amy Wolfe at awolfe@clamsnet.org or by calling the OVL directly at (508)428-5757


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