Terra Firma Meadowscaping: Building A Healthy Lawn

Terra Firma Permagardens

Join the Brewster Ponds Coalition and business partner Terra Firma Permagardens for "Meadowscaping: Building a Healthy Lawn for Pollinators, Pets, and People." This free "learn by doing" event will be held on Saturday, October 12 from 10:00 - 11:30 AM at Terra Firma Permagardens (155 Monument Road, Orleans). The session will be led by Peter Jensen who will describe native planting strategies of hugel terraces. Participants will assist with applying light leaf compost on the lawn and terrace. There will be time for questions and discussion.

Bring along work or gardening gloves and dress accordingly for being outdoors - this event will be held rain or shine. Spaces will fill quickly as this unique free event is limited to 20 participants. Participants are welcome to arrive from 9:30 AM onward, and also to stay afterwards for a quick tour of the rain gardens and learn about runoff mitigation techniques. Please register at https://tinyurl.com/BPC-12Oct24-Meadowscaping

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