CC D-A Fined For Ethics Violations

The Massachusetts Ethics Commission is fining the Cape Cod District Attorney Robert Galibois , 5 thousand dollars for violations of conflict-of-interest laws.

Specifically, the Commission found the DA asked workers to write a positive press release in the aftermath of a traffic accident he was involved in.

The Commission also found that he advertised a campaign donor's vacant apartments to his staff.

The realtor was a campaign donor.

A core principle of the conflict of interest law is that public resources, such as public agency media releases, email, and staff worktime, must not be used to further private interests. District Attorney Galibois failed to uphold this principle when he used the resources of his office to further his own private interests and those of a donor to his election campaign,” said State Ethics Commission Executive Director David A. Wilson. “Public resources are to be used for the public’s benefit.”

The conflict of interest law prohibits public employees from using or attempting to use their official positions to secure valuable unwarranted benefits for themselves or others.

There has been no comment from the D-A,

(Photo Credit: Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office)

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