Heroes In Transition

There is an organization that has been around since 2009, called Heroes In Transition...or you may hear it called “HIT” for short.

Their mission is to provide assistance and support to our service members, veterans and their families...and they do it through the many programs that they offer. 

They also put on a lot of activities & events to help raise money, including an annual run called, Ruck4HIT, which has its first informational meeting of the year coming up Wednesday, January 8th.

So, to talk a little bit more about that event, and more, in general, about the organization itself, Kevin Matthews welcomed Nicole Spencer, the Executive Director of Heroes In Transition, and her husband, Steve Spencer, who is the organizer of Ruck4HIT.

For more information about Heroes In Transition, or Ruck4HIT visit...heroesintransition.org

(Aired the weekend of...1/4-1/5/2020)

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