Ed Lambert

Ed Lambert

Hey everybody, it's Ed Lambert! Listen every weekday morning as we discuss the most pressing issues on Cape Cod and across the country with you!Full Bio


Rush Limbaugh Passes Away At Age 70

Ed reminisces on his listening experience to Rush along with callers who also chime in with their memories of the talk radio giant.


How do you thank someone who always made you think; made you laugh; and, at times tested your patience!

History was written yesterday and now Rush Limbaugh became part of it.

Yesterday was difficult after hearing of Rush's passing. We all knew it was coming - but some of us just weren't ready to say goodbye.

I guess I needed to hear all of you this morning on the show so that we could share the sorrow of a good friend who's no longer there.

Rush was a smart, talented entertainer and educator. Funny and bombastic, he knew how to infuriate our liberal friends with 'one hand tied behind his back'!

We will miss him - his shoes can't be filled - nor should they.

Most of all we've got to remember two important statements Rush always said: "Nobody can live your life better than you" and "America is worth not giving up".

May God bless Rush!

-Ed Lambert

Photo: Getty Images North America

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