The ACLU is accusing a Select Board member in one Cape Cod town of violating a resident’s free-speech and religious rights.
It all stems from a Mashpee select board meeting on April 11th.
During that meeting, Select Board Member and military veteran John Cotton said he found it “offensive” that a town resident hasn’t been standing for the Pledge of Allegiance at meetings, but did not name that person.
But Wendy Williams says she had already spoke with Cotton about her decision to sit during the pledge in private, and felt she was being denigrated in public by him. That led to this heated exchange between the two.
Williams went to the ACLU about the issue, who sent a letter to the Select Board last week.
There is now an effort underway calling for veterans groups, and their supporters, to attend tonight’s Select Board meeting to join in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Photo: Getty Images