STEEP Science Day

You may have been hearing a lot about PFAs recently in the local news and may actually be a little sure about what they are. And, more importantly, what kind of an effect they can have on you and your family!

Well, in basic terms, they are:

  • Man-made chemicals that are used in many different industries around the world...
  • They never brake down...
  • They accumulate over time...
  • And, they can have harmful effects on the human body!

This sounds like something we should learn more about! So, joining Kevin Matthews for this episode of Spectrum to talk more about PFAs, and about STEEP Science Day, which is coming up on Wednesday, October 2nd, is Laurel Schaider, a research scientist at the Silent Spring Institute.

For more information about STEEP Science Day or about that PFAs can have on our environment and our bodies...visit

(Aired weekend of 9/28-9/29/19)

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