Alzheimer's Association MA/NH Chapter

June is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness month. Did you know that 5.8 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease?! Every 65 seconds, someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

And, by 2050...that is projected to rise to as much as 14.1 million!

Kevin Matthews sat down with Heather Maloney, Communications Director of the Alzheimer's Association MA/NH Chapter, Pam Schwabe, Development Officer of the the Alzheimer's Association MA/NH Chapter and Board Member, Stuart McLeod to talk about Alzheimer's Disease.

They also discussed a couple of great events going on this month that can help you to get more involved...and support the Alzheimer's Association.

"Some people think it's (Alzheimer's) sort of a normal process of aging, but it's not. It's actually a distinct disease with distinct signs and symptoms." - Heather Maloney

For more information, or to purchase tickets to the Eat. Drink. End ALZ event happening Thursday, June 6th at The Coonamessett in Falmouth, visit

(Aired the weekend of 6/1-6/2/19)

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